Your plan will be as unique as you are and designed specifically to fit into your life. We will identify your obstacles, issues, and anything else standing in your way and then determine how to tackle them.


We’ll weed through the wellness information and discuss what might work best for you based on evidence-based research as well as your personal history and lifestyle. 


You’ll walk away with specific insight and tips that you can start putting into practice right away. I will equip you with the necessary information to take the next steps towards wellness.


How you’ll feel


Three Options for Wellness


If you don’t have a wellness plan in place, this is a good place to begin your journey. We’ll develop a plan helps you understand WHAT you are supposed to do.


Already have a plan in place or know what you are supposed to do, but having trouble executing? We’ll figure out HOW to make it work in practicality.


Feeling a little lost and need some general guidance and direction? Ask your one-off question or questions in a single session.



What you’ll get

  • A personalized, comprehensive assessment and outline that details foods, therapeutic foods, recipes, and lifestyle recommendations to help you reach your goals.

  • Unlimited guidance and support via email/text. Questions are encouraged!

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating obstacles unique to you.

  • One 90-minute session, spread out over two calls.

  • $299



Our comprehensive wellness plan is a deep dive into your complete health history from all angles of your life. We look at symptoms, discuss setbacks, frustrations, successes, pivotal events, and create a timeline of your health to try and find a root cause that pieces your history together. We work to gain an understanding of your short-term and long-term goals, then develop a plan with diet and lifestyle suggestions that work within the framework of your life that can shift you out of that stuck place. It’s hard to dream big when you don’t feel well or in balance, so we will work to help you feel energized and your very best.



What you’ll get

  • Support, encouragement, accountability, follow-up notes, and ongoing email/text support for one-off questions in between sessions.

  • Unlimited guidance and support via email/text. Questions are encouraged so that you can stay on track.

  • Unlimited guidance and support via email

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

  • Weekly 30-minute, 1-on-1 sessions

  • Single session, $105, Pack of Two, 30-minute sessions, $205, Pack of Four, 30-minute sessions, $400



Already have a plan in place, but are having trouble executing? Many times people know what they are supposed to, but can’t seem to figure out how to make it work in practicality. This is where the rubber meets the road and occasionally we’re thrown curveballs or life just happens. We encourage people to schedule wellness coaching sessions if you feel you are veering off track so we can help make any adjustments to your plan if necessary, but also help you get and stay on track. If you are committed to being coached, we’ve found that it often takes a few weekly sessions to work through and truly identify triggers and things that are holding you back.



What you’ll get

photo-1544208757-ddbaebce244e 2.jpeg
  • This is a low-risk way to have a wellness expert answer questions for you that you have been ruminating

  • An opportunity to break that cycle and steer you in the right direction

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

  • We offer a 30-minute call that will help bring you some clarity

  • $105



Feeling a little lost in the quagmire of wellness news and information? You are not alone and that is because every single one of us is unique and special. Ask wellness coach, Silu Sao, those questions you’ve had regarding your wellness in a short call. Sometimes you just need a sounding board and a good listener to help stand you up and point you in the right direction. We may send you some symptom questionnaires to fill out ahead of time if relevant.



Which option should I start with?

If you already know what you need to do, but are having trouble executing, I would suggest scheduling an ASK LUSI call to start. We might be able to help answer some questions in one call to help you get going, but if you feel you need more regular accountability and support you can sign up for coaching. 

I’ve tried just about everything, what should I do?

It’s hard not to feel frustrated and to feel like giving up. I would suggest booking a complimentary 10-minute call to see how we might be able to help you. You can get a sense of our approach and see if it is something that might work for you.

What is your food philosophy?

We really believe in “everything in moderation” and I “hate to calorie count” philosophy. The only exception to this is if a particular food does not work for your body. In that case the inflammatory food would need to be cut out.  All of our recipes are gluten free because so many people who work with us have issues with gluten as it causes a cascade of reactions in the body. Most recipes are dairy free as well or dairy optional.

Do I have to give up wine?

This falls under the “everything in moderation” philosophy. We sometimes recommend that you cut out wine or alcohol depending on your diagnosis from a medical doctor or based on how you are feeling or if we are trying to get at the root cause of your woes. 

I just want to lose weight. Which type of session would you recommend?

It depends. If you have been on and off yo-yoing with your weight, then I would suggest a full wellness consultation. Maybe there are underlying issues or a root cause to understand what is going on. If you think it’s more behavioral, then try the ongoing coaching or an ASK LUSI session.

What if I have trouble making changes?

We will communicate with you as often as you need and are here to support you through this process and give you the tools to help you manage on your own. In every session we will discuss what is working and what is not working until we find something that sticks.

Are your sessions in person?

Sessions can be scheduled in person in New York City, but most people prefer to have their sessions on Zoom or on the phone. It actually helps us to get a sense of your home and work space when giving recommendations on making small changes to your lifestyle and routines.

Do you provide meal plans?

We don’t provide weekly meal plans, but provide recipes to get you started. If weekly meal planning is helpful for you, we will work with you to show you how to do it. We often find that it’s hard to stick to rigid meal plans so providing recipes with guidance gives you the most flexibility and highest chance for success.